Welcome, my name is Etana Holowinko, M.S. and I wanted to take a moment to introduce myself. I am a detail oriented, self starting designer with of 20 years of professional experience under my belt. From print to web, design is not simply what I do for a living it is my passion.
My Tempe, Arizona based business SocietyJazz = Society as in the totality of people and Jazz as in all that stuff. Bring together the culmination of my core concepts: people . passions . environments.
It is the philosophy not only behind my business but my life, I believe that each person is uniquely different so therefore their love/passion in life and how they bring it the world is their own.

That message can be delivered in each and every promotional material created from logo to website and beyond. By helping people to express themselves and their passions into their brands rather than create a brand as an individual.
Using the core concepts of SocietyJazz in conjunction with the Living Portfolio Process allows me and the collaborators at SocietyJazz to do just that. We take on your graphics from the perspective of making your graphic story one that your market audience not only directly understands and wants to read but be apart of.
We provide services locally, nation wide and globally.
Lets find out what sets you apart from the others in your industry HERE.